Harbor Village Farmers Market

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Organic Farming

One of the most important things to consider is just because a vendor does not have a certified Organic license issued they still might use organic practices. The hardest part of becoming a qualified organic vendor sometimes is the process that many do not go through.  While there’s no formal or universal definition for organic farming, it can be defined as one or more systems of production which don’t use synthetic fertilizers, man-made pesticides, herbicides, growth regulators, antibiotics, hormone stimulants and/or livestock feed additives to grow crops and raise animals. Organic farmers that raise livestock and animals are deemed not to use hormones, antibiotics, or food that uses synthetic fertilizers. Farmers that uses practice these technique uses the environments own ecosystems to their advantage, by recycling, reusing, and renewing life. The return what would be waste into their ecosystems causing little carbon footprints. Although we believe Organic Farming a great way to produce goods we do not believe in no way it is the only way. We believe in all types of farming to promote health and protect the end consumer.

Our Farmers Market Begins April 22, 2012 at Harbor Village Mall at 270 capistrano road Half Moon Bay Ca 94019 Sundays Year Round 10-4

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